Zombielabor is not economically viable So I see a lot of memes/thinkpieces aboot the feasasbility of zombielabor possibly to create some sort of postwork Star Trek utopia This ignores the reality of the costs of labor and spellcasting An unskilled laborer costs 2SP/8 hoursThe factory is no longer economically viable Economically, the centre of Spain has lost its dominant role the economically active/inactive population (= those who are employed or available for work/those who are not) Changes have taken place both economically and politicallyEconomic viability of the processes at industrial scales depend on the complete cost of a CO 2 sorption process, entailing adsorbents, installation, plant commissioning, and operation costs In addition, fuel resources and the cost of CO 2 compression, transport, and storage are also important Factors for a sustainable CO 2 removal system include high capture capacity,
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Economically viable meaning in hindi-What does the word viable mean?Vs 'Viability' If you are starting a business, planning an investment, or embarking on a project, it is necessary that you determine whether it is viable or even just feasible for that matter Knowing the feasibility and viability of an endeavor or business venture will help evaluate its sustainability and the success of the

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Economic viability is a sustainability topic that is defined and assessed for in the hydropower sector by the Hydropower Sustainability Tools Economic viability is informed by financial analysis but takes a broader approach to costs and benefits than just financial considerationsMost related words/phrases with sentence examples define Economically viable meaning and usage Log in Thesaurus for Economically viable Related terms for economically viable synonyms, antonyms and sentences with economically viable Lists synonyms antonyms definitions examples thesaurus Parts of speech adjectivesDefine viable viable synonyms, viable pronunciation, viable translation, English dictionary definition of viable adj 1 Capable of success or continuing effectiveness;
The minimum viable product = Only essential features with maximum value maximum amount of validated learning with least efforts MVP meaning (MVP definition) in other words, "It is the marketing strategy in which a new product with minimal functionality is launched to the market, yet adequate to draw the interest of buyers"The tolls charged for use of the national highway, motorway, tunnel or bridge will be one of the key evaluation factors used to decide which bidder is awarded the Concession Financially viable insurance rating (eg AM Best Co)Project Team(a) Team leader identification for the entire response, including full contact information(b) Identification of eachEconomic viability means that market operation is sustainable regarding current and projected revenues The revenues will be greater than or equal to all current and planned expenditures In simple terms, any project or activity that can financially support itself is economically viable Using farming as an example, economic viability refers to
A viable national economyViable definition is capable of being done or used workable See more meanings of viable How to use viable in a sentenceAnd what does it mean to be a sustainable or responsible organization?

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Feasible 'the proposed investment was economically viable' More example sentences 'This view is not derived from a sense of optimism, but from a realisation that viable alternatives need to be developed to reduce car usage and pollution' 'I looked at the Dem candidates and realizedAdjective 1 Capable of working successfully;Economically viable The retrenchment, of course, need not involve all members of the industry, but if a significant percentage of the firms have to trim or go out of business, the judgment that the industry is not economically viable at the size that it has attained has a sufficiently clear meaning


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What is the meaning of viable?Learn the definition of 'economic viability' Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar Browse the use examples 'economic viability' in the great English corpusAccording to the American Heritage unabridged dictionary of the English language as well as other English dictionaries like Collins English Dictionary, the word viable is an adjective that means feasible, having normal conditions, or capable of becoming actual as in something that is practical or capable of normal growth and development

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The definition of viable is capable of living or capable of success (adjective) An example of viable is a fetusHow do you use viable?Talen Energy decided to cease the operation of a coalburning plant in Montana in 18 since it was deemed as not being "economically viable" any longer Michigan's largest utility, DTE Energy, announced in 17 that it would eventually end every aspect of its coalbased electricity production in approximately 23 years and that by 40

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1a capable of living a viable skin graft viable offspring b of a fetus having attained such form and development of organs as to be normally capable of surviving outside the uterus a 26week old viable fetus c capable of growing or developing viable seeds viable eggsEconomic viability Designing Buildings Share your construction industry knowledge Viability is a measure of the likely success of a particular action or set of actions An assessment of economic viability is an evaluation of the various economic effects that may result from the implementation of a particular project This assessment will help decision makers decide whether a project isSearch economically viable and thousands of other words in English Cobuild dictionary from Reverso You can complete the definition of economically viable given by the English Cobuild dictionary with other English dictionaries Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster

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Subscribe if you want to see more videos like this!Answer (1 of 3) Thanks for a2a, Zhang Any item, idea, product, procedure etc is assessed, critically analyzed and checked to confirm if it is doable and its commercial viability is backed up by high probability By commercially viable we mean its trading and marketability has least risk inEconomic sustainability or economic benefit of waste treatment technologies have been evaluated the assessments were done either via the idea of cost reduction in the form of energy consumption, land space acquiring and facility construction or the idea of revenue generation if the waste treatment process managed to generate energy (eg, Woon

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Technically viable energy saving potential in the public building sector stands at 42% or 152mtoe, of which 90% is economically viable and 58% financially viable45 49% of energy savings would come from space heating accounting for 60% of totalEconomically viable meaning in english Inside found a 603Feasible page refers to what can be done, caused or performed making cars is possible, but it is not economically viable This document describes real enterprises, a consolidation of economic education working to help young people plan, plan, create, own and operate small economicallyOn this page you will find all the synonyms for the word to economically viable Synonyms for economically viable economically viable, economically efficient, economically

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The development of an economically viable way to extract oil from oil shale would put a ceiling on oil prices and would extend the oil era by decades Because people like it, and there are still sufficient numbers of people who resist the seductions of socalled tastemakers to make a viableIt is a completely viable state, with a ski museum and a McDonald's The 00s saw the rise of commercially viable seeds created by transgenesis, that is, the insertion of DNA from one species into another species I am saying that for small nations to be economically and politically viable is good news for peace What does it mean to be financially viable?What does viable mean?

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Answer (1 of 5) For a running company or a new investment , the viability means that the returns are more than the cost of capital Otherwise , it is going to be loss making or even if it makes profit , it is less than a simple interest one earns from a bank , without much risk For a new inveThe core recovery capability for economic recovery is the ability to return economic and business activities (including agricultural) to a state of health and develop new economic opportunities that result in a sustainable and economically viable community Economic recovery is a critical and integral part of recovery8 synonyms of viable from the MerriamWebster Thesaurus, plus 15 related words, definitions, and antonyms Find another word for viable Viable capable of being done or carried out

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